Culminating Project
- Due May 15, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 1,000
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Submit a concise narrative paper addressing the following:
- What picture of career and technical education does the student achievement data you collected from your school paint?
- Based on the picture you described, what priority goal(s) for improving student achievement do you now have and how do you plan to achieve the goal(s)?
- Why or why will you not continue the practice of creating professional public relations documents based on annual student achievement data and, if you create them, how might you use them in the future?
- What benefits did you accrue to yourself professionally and to your school community (students, teachers, administrators, facility, equipment, etc.) by promoting career and technical education to an external community based organization?
- What benefits did you accrue to yourself professionally and to the school community (students, teachers, administrators, facility, equipment, etc.) by promoting career and technical education to a local, state, or national legislative leader or representative of that leader?
- Considering the time and effort, why or why not is advocating for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context a valuable skill and important activity in which school leaders should engage?