Course Syllabus

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Welcome to the PACTA PIL:  Using Advocacy to Support Student Achievement



It is very important that you complete the PDE required Act 45/48 form as soon as possible.   This registration provides me with the PPID that is necessary to record your Act 45/48 hours.  It is the first assignment in this PIL. 

Syllabus and Due Dates

This is the PIL program syllabus.  The due dates are only meant to serve as a guide to keep you on track to completing the PIL by the end of the PIL session, which is June 1, 2021.   You will receive an automated message if an assignment is overdue.  Please disregard this.  It can't be turned off unless I turn off the due dates, and if I do that, the assignments appear in any order, which is confusing.   Please note your own schedule of work activities and responsibilities.  Some sections of this PIL might be completed early if you have other responsibilities that would impact your ability to complete an assignment.  In any case, all assignments must be completed and submitted by June 1, 2021. 

Please note that as long as Covid-19 restrictions are in place, you may use any medium to complete the assignments, preferably phone or an online video platform, like Zoom or MS Teams.  You are able to upload files, website addresses, and videos.  The PIL program evaluation will be completed online via GoogleDocs, but the Act 45 form must be downloaded, filled in, and uploaded back into Canvas so that PACTA has a paper copy of your registration and PPID. 

Navigating Canvas

For those of you who are new Canvas student-users, there is a 18 minute video that shows you most, if not all, of what you need to know about modules, submitting and checking your grades and assignments, uploading documents, and other aspects of Canvas.  It will save you time and effort in the long run to view it now if you are new to Canvas.

Questions or Concerns

If you encounter any problems understanding the content, the assignment, Canvas, or anything related to this PIL program, please do not hesitate reach out to me as soon as possible so we can resolve the issue and ensure you complete the program and earn the PIL Act 45 hours.  If you are not eligible for Act 45 hours, you will receive Act 48 hours.  My goal is for each of you to earn your hours as quickly and easily as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

  • Mary E Rodman
  • 412.554.1753 You may text me at any time
  • You may call me at any time, but I will try to maintain a Live Phone Hour, as well, on Fridays, 9:00am - 10:00am 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due